Winnipeg Transit Routes (Spring 2020)
2 Downtown Spirit (Counter-Clockwise) (Sunday/Holiday, Both Ways)

Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, City of Winnipeg

General Map Controls:

Map Day of Week:

Map Bus Direction:

Map Time:
Cur. Map Time: Loading...

Buses in Service: Loading...

Weekday Saturday Sunday
10:47-15:54 (5:07) 10:47-17:41 (6:54) 11:54-17:43 (5:49)

Runs (Rush-Hr Run):
Weekday Saturday Sunday
2-1 (10:47-26:01) 2-1 (10:47-17:41) 1-1 (12:04-17:33)
2-2 (11:03-22:20) 2-2 (11:03-17:24) 2-1 (11:54-17:22)
2-2 (12:00-17:43)

Weekday to Outbound
Saturday to Outbound
Sunday to Outbound

Route Combinations:
Outbound Inbound
The Forks - The Forks (16)
Balmoral Station - The Forks (2)
The Forks - The Forks (21)
Balmoral Station - The Forks (2)
The Forks - Balmoral Station (2)
The Forks - The Forks (16)
Balmoral Station - The Forks (1)

71 1

Filter Lines on Map:
Outbound Inbound

10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham (The Bay)
10541 Westbound Portage at Garry
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (Bell MTS Place)
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place)
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony
10586 Eastbound Broadway at Kennedy
10587 Eastbound Broadway at Carlton
10588 Eastbound Broadway at Donald
10590 Westbound Broadway at Garry
10625 Northbound Main at Broadway (Union Station)
10637 Southbound Main at Lombard
10829 Southbound Garry at Assiniboine
10830 Northbound Fort at Assiniboine
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice
10840 Southbound Vaughan at St. Mary
10845 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (2, 46)
10877 Southbound Memorial at York
10901 Southbound Israel Asper at Canadian Museum for Human Rights
10902 Northbound Israel Asper at Canadian Museum for Human Rights
10903 Northbound Israel Asper at William Stephenson
10907 Eastbound Forks Market at The Forks Market
10937 Eastbound York at Israel Asper
11006 Northbound Waterfront at McDermot
11008 Westbound Bannatyne at Rorie
11009 Westbound Bannatyne at Main